
Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Recently while I was surfing the internet I came across an online store called ETSY. It has tons of homemade items for sale. You can shop by category like normal online stores, or if you want you can shop by color. There's an easy to use color tool to select a color you'd like to look for, and it shows you all of the matching results!

There are so many nifty handmade things on this site, but my favorite would have to be the bags and purses.

Thoes are just a few that caught my eye last time I was there. They have so many cool items to look at it's hard to pick just one!

Anyway, hope your winter is going well. This weather just keeps changing! This past weekend was all sunshine and relatively warm, but today it's back to snow and cold. Guess that's what Michigan weather is all about... unpredictability and change!


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